TODO Manufacturing headline

From factory floors to fleet management and infotainment. Synadia is used to drive an end-to-end real-time intelligence for modern automotive manufacturers.

Remote Commands
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Fleet management
Monitor and manage millions of vehicles on the road for anomalies, preventative maintainence programs, and infotainment applications.
OEM and partner integration
Synadia's true multitenancy allows you to service partners and OEMs with uniform and efficient access to the data and services they need.
Global scale and access to data
No matter where your vehicles may be in the world, access to services and data is ubiquitous and intelligently routed to the closest local replica.
Trusted by top companies
"We chose NATS as our central event streaming platform because it’s light, fast, secure, and enables the bi-directional communication needed to support the complex topologies required for real-time edge AI applications."
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Another headline about the solution and outcomes

Another simple description of how we solve this specific buisness problem.

Low-latency command & control

Unlocking doors, SOS and roadside assistance. Send and process commands even under limited connectivity scenarios.

Seamless store and forward

Collect real-time telemetry and for every vehicle on the road with limited connectivity. Applications don't need to worry whether the vehicle is connected.

Sophisticated security model

Easily automate issuance of fine-grained, permissions. Globally revoke access with immediate propogation

True global scale at your fingertips

With Synadia, your microservices, streams, key-value and objects stores are easy to move and replicate anywhere in the world, leading to lower latencies for your customers, no matter where they are are.

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