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NATS Monthly - May 2024

📣 News

News or announcements involving NATS.

  • Announcing the Synadia Cloud HTTP Gateway preview! Read the blog post to learn more, see examples, and get started!
  • The KV viewer in Synadia Cloud has been released! Read the blog post to learn more! The object store is coming shortly!
  • The second preview release of NATS 2.11.0 is available! Preview releases are a new way to try out features and improvements to NATS during a minor/major development cycle. Check out the v2.11.0-preview.2 release and join the discussion to share feedback!
  • Did you know that NATS supports multi-region stretch clusters? In a post named Multi-Region Consistency: Have Your Cake and Eat it Too!, Synadia’s Field CTO Jean-Noël Moyne explains a unique topology that NATS supports and a set of patterns to achieve multi-region consistency while still optimizing for latency. The post includes a working example and a walkthrough to try it out yourself!

🫶 Engage

Opportunities for engagement on NATS preview features, new projects, and Synadia products.

  • Are you a developer using .NET Standard 2.0? Join the discussion on the repo. The driving use case is building and deploying NATS applications on Unity game servers. Do you have a use case to share? Let us know!

🎤 Mentions

Notable mentions of NATS on social channels.

📖 Articles

Blog posts, tutorials, or any other text-based content about NATS.

⚙️ Projects

Community created projects, integrations, or discussions in the NATS ecosystem.

🧑‍🎓 Resources

Official learning resources, such as docs, screencasts, podcasts, and examples.

Rethink Connectivity Screencast

Office Hours

⚡ Releases

Official releases from NATS repos and others in the ecosystem.

💬 Discussions

NATS repositories having recent GitHub Discussions.





