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Modern Connected, AI-Ready Vehicles Powered by Synadia Are Driving On Your Roads

David Gee
Jul 16, 2024
Modern Connected, AI-Ready Vehicles Powered by Synadia Are Driving On Your Roads

Modern vehicles are amazing. They are no longer just modes of transportation. They are highly connected and AI-ready machines, capable of enhancing the driving experience and improving safety. At the heart of this transformation is Synadia’s Cloud and Platform technology, enabling seamless connectivity and real-time data processing in a modern world.

In a modern world, modern applications require a new approach and new technologies.

  • Connectivity: People require dramatically shorter times to provide the modern user experience. Latent data and applications slow the business. In 2014, you would wait 3 seconds for a site to load. Today, it’s one tenth of a second. The modern app must be fast.
  • Data: People today base decisions on real-time analytics to unleash new levels of operational efficiency and accuracy. They need to act on data where it is created (for example. remote or multi sites at the edge like dealerships) due to costs, security and business opportunity.
  • Compute: By moving computing closer to the data, network latencies are reduced as well as cost, resulting in closer to real-time data analytics and smooth, jitter free user interactions. Data can be processed locally to provide faster and richer insights like never before.

Synadia meets a cross-industry need for low-latency connectivity and a secure and cloud-agnostic approach to delivering real-time data, applications and services. Synadia is uniquely differentiated in its ability to span both an enterprise's “central data nervous system” and extend to the edge with a single platform. These edge environments can consist of AI-ready applications and services running in automobiles, wind turbines, factory floors and satellites, while allowing the enterprise to have a single global data fabric as opposed to managing multiple platforms for on premises, cloud and edge.

Synadia delivers open source, cloud-native connectivity that leverages real-time, continuous data across any cloud, region or edge simply and rapidly, powering the design, building and managing of AI-ready and distributed edge applications while modernizing traditional applications. Synadia enables the modernization of every industry from automotive and retail to manufacturing and finance, enabling a modern connected world.

Let's delve into what it means for a vehicle to be connected and AI-ready, and why these capabilities are crucial for the future of transportation.

What does "connected" mean?

A connected vehicle is one that is equipped with internet or private network access and the ability to send and receive data. This connectivity allows the vehicle to interact with other devices and systems, creating a network of tightly integrated services. Here are some four key aspects of a connected vehicle.

  1. Real-time data transmission Connected vehicles can transmit data in real time to various stakeholders, including manufacturers, service providers and other vehicles. This continuous data flow enables real-time monitoring and analysis, which is essential for optimizing vehicle performance and ensuring safety.

  2. Telematics and remote diagnostics Telematics systems collect and transmit data related to the vehicle's location, speed and driving behavior. Remote diagnostics allow for the monitoring of the vehicle's health and performance, enabling timely maintenance and reducing the risk of breakdowns.

  3. Infotainment and connectivity services Connected vehicles offer advanced infotainment systems that provide navigation, entertainment and connectivity services. These systems can integrate with smartphones and other devices, offering a seamless and enhanced driving experience.

  4. Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication

V2X communication enables vehicles to communicate with each other and with infrastructure, such as traffic lights and road signs. This capability improves traffic flow, reduces accidents and enhances overall road safety.

Why AI readiness is important

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is revolutionizing various industries, and the automotive sector is no exception. AI readiness in vehicles means that they are equipped with the necessary hardware and software to support intelligent, AI-based applications. Here’s why AI readiness in vehicles is crucial and may help curb driving deaths, which have been rising across the United States.

California is legendary for its car culture and congested freeways, as well as accidents.

According to the California Office of Traffic Safety as reported in the New York Times, more than 4,400 people died in motor vehicle accidents in California in 2022. That’s about 12 people every day. Fatal crashes have spurred U.S. legislatures like California’s to turn to technology to help avert fatalities on roads.

Today we are accustomed to buzzing sounds to remind us to put on our seatbelts, ringing bells when our car door is open and throbbing lights on our dashboards when our car needs servicing. Now comes legislation that might prevent you from getting a speeding ticket.

If the California State Legislature passes this pending bill, all new vehicles sold in California by 2032 must have a system featuring visual and audio signals to alert drivers that they are speeding, that is, they are going faster than the posted speed limit by 10 miles per hour or more.

Meanwhile, across the Atlantic in the United Kingdom (UK), a new law is set to go into effect in early July that will require all new cars to be equipped with speed limiters, or Intelligent Speed Assist Systems (ISA) that leverage GPS, vehicle and road data to determine the preventative actions to be taken autonomously. (AutoTrader UK) (The Independent). The UK has modeled its legislation on EU regulations that all new cars that are launching or have been launched in the European market need to be fitted with an ISA by 7 July 2024.

According to the European Transport Safety Council, this technology is estimated to have a 30% reduction in collisions and a 20% decrease in road deaths. (AnyColourCar).

Here are more examples of how AI-ready applications for vehicles might help avert more driving accidents everywhere and keep us safer overall.

Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS)

AI enables the development of ADAS, which includes features like lane-keeping assistance, adaptive cruise control and automated emergency braking. These systems enhance driving safety by reducing human error and responding swiftly to potential hazards.

Predictive Maintenance

AI algorithms can analyze data from various sensors to predict when a vehicle component is likely to fail. This predictive maintenance reduces downtime, prevents costly repairs and extends the vehicle's lifespan.

Enhanced User Experience

AI can personalize the driving experience by learning the driver's preferences and habits. This includes adjusting seat positions, climate control and infotainment options, providing a more comfortable and enjoyable ride.

AI Inference at the Edge

AI inference at the edge allows vehicles to process data locally, without needing to send it to a central server. This capability is crucial for applications that require real-time decision-making, such as autonomous driving and immediate hazard detection. Edge AI inference reduces latency, enhances privacy and ensures that vehicles can operate effectively even with intermittent connectivity.

Autonomous Driving

AI is the cornerstone of autonomous driving technology. AI algorithms process data from cameras, radar, LiDAR, and other sensors to enable vehicles to navigate and make decisions without human intervention. Autonomous vehicles promise to transform transportation by improving safety, reducing traffic congestion and increasing mobility for those unable to drive.

How Synadia Powers Modern Connected and AI-Ready Vehicles

Synadia’s connective technology plays a pivotal role in enabling connected and AI-ready vehicles. Here's how.

Seamless Data Flow

Synadia ensures continuous and reliable data transmission between the vehicle, cloud services, and other connected devices. This seamless data flow is crucial for real-time monitoring, diagnostics and AI applications.

Scalability and Flexibility

Synadia’s technology is highly scalable, making it suitable for a wide range of applications, from individual vehicles to large fleets. Its flexibility allows for easy integration with existing systems and future technologies.

Low Latency and High Performance

Synadia is designed for low latency and high performance, ensuring that data is transmitted and processed quickly. Low latency, high performance data is essential for applications like ADAS and autonomous driving, where split-second decisions are necessary.

Robustness and Reliability

Synadia provides robust and reliable connectivity, even in environments with intermittent internet access. Critical data is always available when and wherever needed, enhancing the overall reliability of the vehicle's systems.


The future of transportation is modern, connected and AI-ready vehicles. Synadia is leading this transformation, enabling seamless connectivity and powering AI applications that enhance the driving experience, safety and agility. As the automotive industry continues to evolve, Synadia’s technology innovation is essential to driving safety and reliability, thus ensuring that vehicles are ready to meet the mobility demands of tomorrow. Automotive manufacturers and service providers that use Synadia technology can deliver cutting-edge solutions that redefine mobility and pave the way for a smarter, safer and more connected world.

By David Gee, Director of Product Mangement at Synadia

*Synadia Cloud is built on the widely adopted open source platform NATS is a technology used by thousands of companies to simplify their distributed systems and enable them to function seamlessly across any cloud, geography, or edge environment. NATS allows developers to focus on building applications, not worrying about infrastructure.